Sunday, January 27, 2019

Thing 7 Presentation Tools

I tried to combine something I have to do anyway with presentation tools but it did not work out.  I have to give a presentation to faculty next Monday on how to use the databases at our school.  I thought I would jazz up a google slide presentation by doing something else.  I checked out Haiku Deck, Ludus and buncee.  None of these would work for me because, from what I could see, you can't insert a hyperlink.  I looked at ADOBE spark and realized that I already had an account with ADOBE.  I also remembered that I had used ADOBE last year to do my annual report.  I really think that is a great way to do an annual report.  It looked nice and you only have to have enough text to accent your points which is all readers pay attention to anyway.  Here is the link to my annual report that I did last year using ADOBE.  I also have it off of my webpage and I see that it has 45 views and 2 likes! 

I started the project that I have to do for next Monday.  I like the updates to ADOBE.  Mainly that you can add music.  However, since I couldn't get or figure out, insert link, I ended up using google slides.  I even paid for a month thinking that would maybe open more features, but I still didn't see it there.  Here is my failed attempt  Lastly, here is my google slide show that I am still working on for next Monday.


  1. Wow, Adobe Spark does not make it really obvious how to add a link! I really had to dig, but it is there. Here's a little screencast to show you how (for future reference!)
    Google slides works great for the presentation you need to do.

    The annual report looks great!
