Friday, February 22, 2019

THING 2 Student Blogging and Writing

I like to use what I do for this class.  After looking at what I am going to do with my classes in March, I decided I would try a padlet for the purposes of showing students how to use SORA.   I also had run across a post from someone of my librarian face book feeds that PADLET was something that they could not live without. I already had a padlet account and I looked at some youtube videos on ideas on how to use it and just how to use it.  I ended up creating an instructional padlet that I added to our technology page that shows how to sign into SORA.  Here it is:


1 comment:

  1. Padlet is a great tool. Now that you're familiar with it, you could try having students write on a padlet you create with a writing prompt.
