I like the idea of content curation. However, I don't ever typically get to that point. For example, I start summer vacation saying to myself that this is the summer I will get my google drive in order, but it has yet to happen. I definitely see the need for content curation and if you are starting in the digital world now, it is probably something that will keep you sane. I read through these materials and I am thinking about how I could implement a start with my third and fourth graders, or at least get them thinking about how to stay organized with all of the information out there. With that goal in mind, I started myself by signing up for Diigolet. I think this will be a useful tool for me to keep the information that I encounter over different platforms that I want to refer back to. I successfully saved an article that was posted in Facebook on one of the librarian groups. Facebook too now has a new feature that lets you save articles which is where I saved it first and then moved it over to the Diigolet account. It does make you sign back into facebook when accessing from Diigolet. If you are not familiar with this website: https://www.understood.org/en it is worth checking out. There is even a simulator of how it feels to have certain disabilities in school.
Update on the 360 goggles - So far I have used them with three kindergarten classes. The first one was a little rocky but successful. It would have been better to start with a more docile class but schedule wise sometimes that just can't be controlled. Since I have the K students before or after tech for library, I also made my library lesson applicable. We read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea along with a non-fiction book about skyscrapers. I showed them a clip from brainpop on how they are built and a five minute youtube video on the Top 10 Skyscrapers you should use before you die. I also had some third graders create a process video using screencastify https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V9Too9dQmbtgCDIKEXl0bIAwReegn1J7/view I also had bags of materials for kids to build their own "skyscraper" but the kids were so enthralled with the glasses that they were not needed. I will use them for the STEM session I host with the middle
school for fourth graders on Thursday.
Having a bookmarklet for your favorite curation tool really makes all the difference. Diigo is a really good place for storing links! Love what you did with the 360 goggles. And tell your 3rd graders that their screencast is TERRIFIC! :)
ReplyDeleteDarn, that was supposed to be a bitmoji for your students!